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Dalmation Jasper, is a grounding stone, helping you maintain balance with Earth and Reality. It removes disillusionment, helping one to see their strengths and weaknesses more clearly. Dalmation Jasper brings a sense of fun to one's life and helps to increase loyalty in relationships.


Dalmatian Jasper is known as a nurturing stone, with its ability to bring out the child within. It helps bring clarity of mind to reveal one's strengths and weaknesses; bringing in calm and a sense of tranquility, wholeness, and control.


Dalmatian Jasper:

  • Brings Out The Inner Child
  • Gives Clarity Of Mind
  • Increases Loyalty
  • Transmutes Electromagnetic Frequency
  • Protects From Negative Energy


Dalmatian Jasper helps increase loyalty in relationships by guiding on a path of self love, and honesty. Its black inclusions are black tourmaline, giving it protective and grounding properties. The black tourmaline in this stone aids in its ability to transmute electromagnetic frequencies by blocking environmental pollution and radiation. Dalmatian Jasper aids in breaking down defence mechanisms that no longer serve a purpose. Thus helping a person to think more clearly, enhancing decisiveness, and increasing organizational skills. This is a great crystal for anyone that is over analytical or paranoid. It also works great for pet trainers, or parents due to its ability to calm and influence animals and children.


Dalmatian jasper can assist in breaking down barriers you have created that may be holding you back from your true potentials. It will dissipate negative energies you may carry and aid in propelling you to find that inner child to embrace moving forward in life. These barriers extend to addictions like sugar binging, and cigarette smoking. It is useful for a person that tends to over think by helping them harmonize their emotions and to release paranoia, cynicism, and skepticism. This helps in overcoming depression and enhances a person's ability to forgive someone and move on. It is a good stone for starting on a new venture. The black tourmaline acts as a protective energy, while the jasper keeps the person grounded, focused, and in flow. It also makes it great to protect against electromagnetic frequencies.


It is a perfectly balancing crystal to harmonize the Yin and Yang energies making it great for use in energy healing, martial arts, Tai Chi, or Chi Gong. It is also great for dog trainers, veterinarians, or anyone that deals with animals due to its ability to help calm the animal, make communication with the animal easier, and help the carrier overcome any fears they may have towards the animals.


In meditation, place a Dalmatian Jasper in your hand and allow it to pull you into a deep meditative state. It is a great stone to reveal to you the dualities of life and the importance of them. Helping you draw in the light and positivity, while allowing you to embrace and understand the darkness and negativity that arise in everyday life. Light would not exist without darkness.

Dalmatian jasper works by stimulating the nervous system, and reflex actions. It is a powerful healer to the muscles, tendons, cartilage, while increasing the overall balance of the body. This is helpful in preventing injuries like strains, sprains, and muscle spasms. It is able to help blood flow through the body aiding in the extraction of toxins from the system resulting in a stronger immune system. This can result in healthier skin, hair, and nails, as well as reduce rashes from allergies. It also helps in breaking down food making it great for digestion, bowel disorders, and constipation. It is said to re-energize the body and assist in prolonging sexual pleasures.


Just as it reminds a person to get in touch with their inner child, it also holds as a reminder to embrace and enjoy our current incarnation as a human being. The human journey is a blessing, and to be still in time of this vast universe is a miracle. Use Dalmatian Jasper to balance out your energies, and align your physical to the etheric realms to enjoy a fuller experience to what life on Earth has to offer. This is a great stone to also use as protection during sleep to ward away evil spirits and prevent night mares.


Dalmatian Stone helps strengthen your connection with Mother Earth, while also channelling one's personal will in the physical realm. This unique mineral helps one pursue their goals and provides the necessary tools needed along their journey. Dalmatian Stone raises one’s confidence level and brings it to the forefront, showing you that you are fully in control of your life path. The drive that radiates off this crystal is unprecedented. You will almost immediately sense an overwhelming obsession for accomplishing all your dreams.


As you work with this stone and tap into the powerful vibrations that emanate from it, one will find themselves questioning their surroundings. This is due in part to one’s internal vibration being raised, while also being centred on your own personal desires. Dalmatian Stone is here to show you that your voice is the loudest and that it will help you disconnect from negative energies that stunt your personal growth.


By listening to your inner consciousness and allowing your soul to speak, one will know the way that is most resourceful for them.


Dalmatian Stone will provide everlasting comfort when dealing with these confusing times.


Zodiac: Virgo


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  • To cleanse it, this ANGELZ crystal pendulum should be kept in salt water overnight as a way to recharge its energy. Once it has been taken out of the salt water it should then be washed in fresh water and placed in the sun for 2-3 hours. This process should be done every 3 months at least.