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It is believed that Selenite is a powerful healer with multiple benefits.


Some of the main supposed healing benefits of a Selenite crystal are that it:

  • promotes peace and calm
  • provides clarity
  • clears blocked energy
  • elevates the spirit
  • helps you access your intuition
  • is an effective space cleanser
  • vibrates at a very high frequency
  • promotes connection and camaraderie
  • enhances powers of manifestation


 Selenite is also effective at clearing heavy, blocked energy. This allows energy to flow at a high vibration which in turn elevates the spirit.


You can use Selenite to cleanse:

  • your energy
  • your home
  • your belongings
  • other crystals


Some people believe Selenite can boost mental clarity and open the door to your intuition.


From a healing perspective, it has the capacity to calm the mind, to bring the soul to peace, and to bring clarity to those who need it.

It’s also believed that selenite can increase positive energy.

Selenite can be used to recharge you, your space, and your crystals.



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  • To cleanse it, this ANGELZ Selenite Crystal pendant should be kept in salt water overnight as a way to recharge its energy. Once it has been taken out of the salt water it should then be washed in fresh water and placed in the sun for 2-3 hours. This process should be done every 3 months at least.